고용법, 직원 복리후생, 보수 및 인센티브 제도

Comprehensive legal services in the field of labor law (both individual and collective).
Representation of employers and employees in court proceedings and before other state authorities (Social Security, Tax Office, National Labor Inspectorate, etc.).
Employment contracts, non-competition agreements, agreements with members of company authorities and managerial contracts.
Development of agreements, labor regulations, remuneration policies, and regulations of the company’s social benefit fund.
Training for entrepreneurs and management of companies in the field of labor law, internal audits in the field of labor law.
Counselling services in the scope of implementation of remuneration systems.
Establishment of employment structures adapted to the budgetary possibilities of the employer.
Establishment of the effective bonus systems.
Counselling services in the scope of non-payroll solutions, indicating their legal and cost consequences.
Implementation of the Employee Capital Plan (PPK), taking into account issues related to the protection of personal data of participants and the transfer or limitation of liability of management staff in connection with conducting, making deposits and withdrawals from the PPK.
Counselling services in the scope of the current Employee Pension Plans (PPE).
Options for managers and key employees.

고용법, 직원 복리후생, 보수 및 인센티브 제도
